Access millions of job posts per month
Enrich your data with our job feeds and APIs.
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Get started with our Job APIs
Access over 8 million jobs per month with our APIs serving ATS and job board data.
Powered by job data
Some of the industries we serve
- Job Boards
- Kickstart your job board with millions of up-to-date job listings from various sources, over 40,000+ ATS & Career sites.
- AI Startups
- Building an AI application business, or do you require data for your LLM? We can supplement your data with our job feeds and APIs.
- Lead Generation
- Our jobs for your leads. We can supply near real-time job data to help you identify the best leads for your clients
- Market Research Firms
- Gain valuable insights into job market trends, salary information, and industry demands with our job data.
Built for purpose
Choose the Perfect Plan for Your Job Data Needs
DIY Job Posting API
Several easy-to-use APIs for developers
- ATS API with 40,000+ ATS & Career sites
- LinkedIn API with over 1.5 million jobs every week
- Hourly refresh
- Free Trial
- Pricing starts at $35/month
Custom Solution
You custom job feed, API, or Robot
- Fully custom API
- Refresh every day/hour/minute
- Advanced searching and filtering
- Detailed job descriptions in text and HTML
- Company information enrichment
- ATS, Careersite, and Jobboard data
- Customizable delivery formats (XML, JSON, CSV, etc.)