SmartRecruiters Jobs API

Unlock SmartRecruiters job data for your platform. Access jobs from thousands of employers through our comprehensive API and Job Feeds, or integrate directly with SmartRecruiters's official API.


Active SmartRecruiters Jobs


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Advanced API SmartRecruiters API' SmartRecruiters API has several advanced features, including the ability to search and filter jobs from multiple SmartRecruiters clients using a single API endpoint.


Use our self serve API on RapidAPI to start adding jobs to your board in minutes. Includes a free trial

Custom API

We can create an API for your board that's highly customisable to your needs. Custom filters, searching, refresh rates and more.

Custom Job posting feed

We can create a job posting feed for your board that's adheres to the requirements of your jobboard software. All delivery formats are available, including XML, JSON, CSV and more.

Let's chat!

We're here to help you every step of the way. Contact us to get started.

How to get jobs from SmartRecruiters

SmartRecruiters Official Jobs API

To retrieve jobs from the official SmartRecruiters API, you will need access to the API Marketplace. Access is possible for clients and official SmartRecruiters partners. If you're interested in just partnering up with one client, your client can generate an API credential for you. For a solution that applies to all customers, you can reach out to the Partner Success Team for API access

As part of the Marketplace API, you can fetch jobs using the Job Board API. There is one option available:

  1. GET job postings (/feed/publications)- Retrieves a collection of jobs.

There's one parameter to filter the jobs further: 'updatedAfter='. You can use this parameter to apply a date filter. Filtering on date is useful as there's a limit of 100 jobs per API call. There are no option to search or filter.

Code Examples


curl -i
     -H "X-SmartToken: abc123"
     -X GET


$token = "YOUR_API_TOKEN"
$headers = @{
    "X-SmartToken" = $token

$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '' -Headers $headers

Use our advanced API or Custom Job Feeds

Let's chat! Send us an email or schedule a call to get started.