Hiring Manager API for Lead Generation

300k+ jobs per month

With LinkedIn hiring manager profiles

50k+ jobs per month

With hiring manager email addresses

500+ happy subscribers on RapidAPI

Used by

Job-zip logo
eDiscovery.jobs logo
Thuiswerkvacatures logo


Fresh leads every hour

Use our API to get real time hiring manager data for your lead generation campaigns

LinkedIn Profiles

We analyze over 8 million LinkedIn jobs per month to extract hiring manager profiles. Use our advanced search filters to get the leads for your niche.

Hiring Manager Email Addresses

Using LLMs we extract over 50k hiring manager email addresses from job descriptions. We don't use any 3rd party tools to identify the right manager. All our data is extracted from the job description.

Get Started!

Use our self-serve API to get started or schedule a call for your custom solution.