CareerSiteCloud Jobs Data Feed & Backfill
Add new jobs from over 100,000 employers to your CareerSiteCloud job board automatically. Using our custom job feeds and advanced APIs
CareerSiteCloud Backfill, Job Feed & API
How to add jobs to CareerSiteCloud automatically.
CareerSiteCloud offers several options for job backfilling and integration:
- Built-in Backfill: No
- XML/JSON Feed Support: Yes
- List jobs via API: Yes
XML/JSON Feed Support
CareerSiteCloud supports XML feed integration, enabling you to import job listings from external sources easily. You can follow this guide to set it up.
List jobs via API
CareerSiteCloud offers a Push API for their users to programmatically list and manage job postings. You can use this API to add, update, or remove jobs from your CareerSiteCloud job board. Further information is not publicly available.
Add jobs to CareerSiteCloud using our database of over 3.5 million active jobs
Use our job data for your board
We index jobs from over 100,000 employer career sites in real time. No need to worry about updating your job board with new jobs. We do that for you!
- Pay-as-you-go API
Use our self serve API on RapidAPI to start adding jobs to your board in minutes. Pricing starts at $45/month and includes a free trial
- High Volume Custom API
We can supply data to your board, with custom delivery options, searching, refresh rates and more. Pricing ranges from $200/month to $2,000/month
Seamless Integration
Supported Job Board Platforms
We support any platform with an API or XML import functionality. Here are some examples: